When you live in Alaska 🥲 By admin | February 25, 2025 | 50 When you live in Alaska 🥲 Posted in Alaskan Native Art And Crafts
what is your gun and trigger discipline bro
Someone with so little trigger discipline has zero business owning firearms. Do better.
I mean I get why ppl in Alaska have guns like have seen polar bear or tember wolf
I was so worried that you were husband shaming. Thanks for turning it around!
Very lucky girl
Im jealous.
That’s better than a trip. ❤
i also live in alaska
Should have gotten you something nice
never seen someone act so blatantly careless while handling several weapons capable of ending a human life. No doubt this took multiple takes as well. Please take a course on gun safety, take care and good luck
Have glock too 🫡
Id like these well im a dude so maybe dat hat wouldnt suit me or them trousers but them other stuff
You are not a lucky girl. Your husband is a lucky man
Cool paperweights
Amazing trigger discipline
Bro is living my dream
Those are thoughtful, great and expensive gift
damn your so Cute with your Knives & Guns got all your Weaponry
Yes you are a lucky girl, gave what you need not what you want.
Thats Not a Trapper hat
Who let her have a Glock 19?
That’s a great husband you got there, better keep him💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
What’s the video name
My first big love was Alaskan 😂 ever since I’ve been dying to go there 😅
Your husband loves you.
Hawaii is only good for memories. What you got is good for survival, which lasts a lot longer and creates many more memories
Lol crazy and cute all at the same time. Im digging it 🤤
Almost shot herself in the face 🤨
Hello, I live in Alaska
Alaska 👎🚫Montana 👍👍👍
You’re really blessed you aren’t so mmaterialistic and fake as 90% of people.
please remember the firearms safety rules the exist to keep people from punching holes in themselves and their friends when they don’t want to
You go to Hawaii and you wear Sun Tan lotion all over your pale body not to get sun burn. You have better nature in Alaska. 😂
Gibt allaska russland zu Rück es gehort russland
Lady I like your husband! You got a winner in that one. 💪😠👍
Nahh if u actually live in alaska u would actually know how to hold a firearm l…..treat it like its always loaded not like a nerf gun
Dude why am I so jealous right now I’ve lived in Alaska my whole life and still don’t even have a pocket knife!!! 😢
Oh my—you need gun safety classes
All these comments. Haha . You got multiple Guns; fishin gear, and a hat. Bro. WINNING.
Showing your gun off with your finger on the trigger. Smart.
I’ve lived in Alaska for a while, i can say that this is very true. My grandfather got me a gold plated .22lr Winchester for my golden 15
You DO NOT need to be touching those guns…
I do love those rough rider revolvers. In fact it’s my favorite gun but definitely not alaska worthy.
Good year Mam