This knife was SO hard to deploy
This knife was SO hard to deploy
I recently learned that Anthony at @Heretic_Knives has the world’s strognest thumb. He manufactured a giant OTF knife at Blade Show 2023. I’m using every ounce of strength to fire it and he “single-hand fires” it with ease 😂 trust me, there were multiple people trying to fire this thing and everybody had to use two hands aside from him.
#tacticool #hereticknives #otfknife #automaticknife #BladeShow #bladeshow2023 #knifelife #military #selfdefense #sword #bigknife #knifenuf #blademagazine #bladeforums
I was praying she wasn’t holding the wrong way 🫣🫣
It takes a soft touch the harder you press the harder it is to open 😊😅😅
Gotta have one
Homie has the *Grippers*
Never thought I’d need an Out-the-front-sword but here we are.
Lady thats an otf short sword
Es una buenísima navaja pero no pará las manos de una señorita tan hermosa y guapa. Un saludó desdé Alicante España 👍..
It’s not for you. Maybe you better leave it . There’s plenty of other knives that work just fine for you.
Эта блондинка безумно хороша
for sale ?
Ok so her thumbs arent that strong…i think she makes up for that in other ways 😅
I bet he does!
She looks better doing it though
Another not so strong, independent woman.
Let shaq hold it
You could conquer Middle Earth with that.
I am suprised that someone talked a bunch of people into making this and then they did. For what purpose ? This, to me, looks like a total waste. A knife is one of the most useful tools but this appears to have no practical application.
She definitely gives a weak handy
Yeah that’s legal where?
Homeboy might’ve opened it one handed, but we all know who the expert is.
The rare vid where Melissa is fumbling with an otf. The safety lock was probably on.
Hard 😂😂😂❤
Need it need it want it
Its a mens blade mostly 😉✌🏻
World’s most useless pocket clip
When my mom got me my first OTF knife she didn’t know how to open it properly and did what she is doing but she help the wrong end to her stomach and accidentally stabbed herself and had to go to the hospital she was fine luckily, when she gave me the knife she told me what happened and we both started cracking up😂
She has to use the Shake Weight routine
Gamora ?
these womens serve in your army today😢
Filthy casuals assemble!
Why doesnt she say what sport show she is at ?
Space marine ass OTF
Wish these knifes was legal in Europe
Wimmin… (slurps coffee)
Lol, crocodile Dundee would be proud
You look like Lagertha in Vikings 😅
so gorgeous let’s go camping
Happens every time she walks by .
There’s still people out there who can’t open the small ones just think about that 😂
Melissa was the kid in school who was always given the scissors with the round bladed ends and was constantly reminded to not run around the classroom with them.
Thought i was about to see a death
Such a hottie!
Dad strength like a mf 😭
That is a knife lol for a willy mammoth 😅
That’s like a hobbit holding a dagger
Nice.I have several German OTF knives.
She’s safe. A thief would not cut her until she got her knife open. She’s too cute.
I would pay a ridiculous amount for that, but $9,500 is completely out of touch with reality…
Wen you already mass produced knives this cost less than $500 to make.