Jewelry, Alutiiq Style- Native Alaskan Fashion
Jewelry, Alutiiq Style- Native Alaskan Fashion
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This video was created by the National Park Service in Alaska.
The National Park Service (NPS) is an agency of the United States federal government that manages all national parks, many national monuments, and other conservation and historical properties with various title designations.[1] It was created on August 25, 1916, by Congress through the National Park Service Organic Act[2] and is an agency of the United States Department of the Interior. The NPS is charged with a dual role of preserving the ecological and historical integrity of the places entrusted to its management, while also making them available and accessible for public use and enjoyment.
As of 2017, the NPS employs approximately 27,000 employees who oversee 417 units, of which 59 are designated national parks
Video credit: US National Park Service (Federal government video productions are generally public domain, but any copyrighted content such as music that has been found in this recording has been registered with the appropriate rights holder. Ads may run on this video to support copyright holders at their request)
Description credit : Wikipedia
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