Woodworking: How to Make a Woven Cutting Board
Woodworking: How to Make a Woven Cutting Board
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I came across a very unusual, but very interesting, woodworking design online and I wanted to see if I could replicate the results. Not only did I manage to figure out how it’s done, but I ended up making some pretty stunning pieces myself. Take a look at this video to see how you can use the weaving technique to really add some interest and an artistic flare to some of your woodworking!
Roberto Gastelumendi has been using this technique since the 1990’s. I wonder how far back it goes! 🙂
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/very inspiring, have made about 2 dozen cheese boards based on this design, just love it!
All the skills and all the jokes. You have a new sub here.
This was my first time seeing a video of yours. It was charming. Great boards. ( I like #2 better because of the live edge color
). Your humor is delightful. Voice over is informative and pleasant. I have subscribed and look forward to many more videos. I need to go hunt up previous videos. Yhank you.
Nice looking boards! I really like the end bloopers that shows we all mess up sometimes!🤣😅😜
Why watch this, I can just go to rockler and get it done, oh wait; you ARE ROCKLER. A store I will never shop at again.
I love it
Enjoy my sub friend. You had me cackling at the "legs more wobbly than my annual visit to the gym"
If ever you feel you have had enough of woodworking. You could definitely have a career in narrating children’s books. Amazing soothing voice. The cutting board is out of this world too.
New subscriber here! Great video! I love how these turned out. Hi from S. Wales UK 😊🏴
dude, really cool idea! thanks for sharing!
Ещё один болтун. Даже смотреть не стал.
Nice work. Thanks for sharing knowledge
Cracking up at the infinite clamp pile at 6:05. 🤣
It looks great. God bless you. Amen Amen Amen. 😂😂😂😂😂
Beautiful board. Any secret to gluing in the kerf strips? Looks like it might take more than two hands!
wow lovely. I got older redwood log on my page 980 years old
Thanks for the Outtakes. Shows that even pros can make the same mistakes as I do 🙂
I’m going to get some skills then I’m going to steal this 🙂
Groovy curvy wervy
Ahhh tooo funny, awesome board and great recipe for Granola!
I’m currently making one right now and after making my first curved cut I’m so excited by how it looks! One important detail you forgot to mention that I only realised at the last minute myself: When cutting thin strips to go into the curves, they need to be *longer* than the width of the board, because they’ll get shorter as you force them into the curve! Very glad I realised this before I chopped an expensive piece of maple to the exact same width as the board to save on waste; I’ll be sure to give myself another 40mm or so to work with!
Just found this video yesterday and LOVE the look!! Not sure how long you monitor comments on a post but I have a question. Glued up some boards tonight for the starting pieces. I believe I’ve made them too big. One is 7" wide and other is 9" when all glues up. They are 20" long since I’m shooting for an 18" board. What are the dimensions of the starting glue ups that you used? Thank you
It hasn’t answered ❤❤❤❤ very beautiful art work ♥️
Love this. Love your voiceover. You’re a freaking artist
What wood do you use for your thin strips that makes them bend so easily
Waste of time
if i am making an 18 x 16 cutting board how do i figure how long the thin kerf strips need to be? because of the curve they need to be longer than the board, so how do i figure that out? thanks
Beautiful. Can’t wait to get my shop finished up and start making boards again. Thanks for keeping me inspired. 13:35
Beautiful hand work. Thanks
You took all the character out of the live edge by sanding it so thoroughly. SAD 😢
By the third machine i was tired, so i went inside and cracked open a cold one.
Great board!… I love watching your videos 👍🏼
nice boards nice technique. TIL
Those came out awesome!
My little bandsaw would give up the ghost if I tried that cut!
Dude you are a comedian
Awesome looking boards
Beautiful work! I’m sure the stability of the other bandsaw blade helped out quite a bit.. I have a feeling that’s going to be one of my future little projects. Thanks for sharing!
Thumbs up awarded at the granola crack….
Are you not making any new videos these days , sir. Im a fan of youre humor AND the woodworking involved! Shoot, I even went and bought one of your T shirts a couple of years ago and its been washed so much the lettering is coming off. If you’re putting out new videos, You Tube sure isnt notifying me! Miss seeing new content, dude! What, did your neighbor run out of materials….?? Lol!
Love the jokes!
Awesome job, my goal now is to make some woven cutting boards that look that beautiful, thanks for showing us your work.
funny.. dont send the granola 🙂
Great video. Quick question, did you use two separate panels for the two opposing pieces of the walnut ?
Hey nice video. BTW, your website isn’t working.
Best jokes of any woodworking channel
Great work- design and execution is A1. Beautiful board- but who wants to run a knife over that work of art? There’s a paradox 😅