Beer Powered Beer – Inspired by Alaska, Sustained by Innovation
Beer Powered Beer – Inspired by Alaska, Sustained by Innovation
We have the privilege of brewing award-winning beer in one of the most inspiring places on earth, so it is our goal to have a zero-net negative effect upon our environment by reclaiming and reusing as much waste and emissions as we produce. Innovation is the key to meeting this goal.
This video shares how Alaskan Brewing’s commitment to environmental stewardship has made them a leader in sustainable brewing with projects like their spent grain steam boiler and CO2 recovery system. Learn more at
The fact that you guys do this, get ingredients shipped to Alaska and export to California where I can buy a 6-pack for $9.99-$11.99 that tastes as good if not better, makes me wonder why breweries here charge so much for the same amount for equal to lesser quality product. Smash Galaxy is awesome, keep it up dudes.
This brewery’s commitment to the environment, it’s employees, and the people in its community of Juneau is reflected in videos like this. Juneau is very community-minded, and this video shows that. Good work Alaskan Brewery! And their beers are delicious.
Now if you could only rethink and drop your sponsorship of the cruel Iditarod race, you would be perfect.