Hobby Turned Business Overnight
Hobby Turned Business Overnight
Cutting Board Hobby Turned Business Overnight Part 2
Large production run of 68 cutting boards in my tiny shop here in Alaska.
This is the continuation of my cutting board hobby and my YouTube hobby both turning into a business simultaneously.
Part 1
After the last cutting board video took off here on YouTube I was receiving about 20 cutting board requests a day for a few weeks. This is the story on how those events unfolded in sequence (over 6 weeks) to share with you guys and gals, how my cutting board hobby / side job turned into an opportunity for a business practically overnight. Along with the ups and downs of trying to make it all happen on a larger scale.
I also have included plenty of woodworking tips and tricks, how to, and details on how I make these boards from start to finish.
I kindly ask if you are going to copy my designs that they are for personal use only.
Please take what you got from this and make it your own 🙂
Boards and other products sold on my website
Social Media / business sponsorship inquiries – krisdevo@influint.co
At the request of a few amazing people I have set up donation links for those who want to take another step in supporting me and this channel.
Support- https://paypal.me/devoswoodcraft?locale.x=en_US
Starting 11/5/2023 I will be uploading weekly behind the scenes to Patreon. A personal Vlog of sorts of my woodworking and Alaska life. See whats coming up before the videos come out.
DeVo’s WoodCraft page:
Kris DeVo’s Photography:
Contact Kris DeVo: https://www.krisdevo.com/contact
Tip$, tools, a letter, a postcard or whatnot. My business box to receive mail;
DeVo’s WoodCraft
11471 Business BLVD, Unit 773503
Eagle River, AK 99577
Affiliate links:
Tools and supplies I use here-
Amazon store – https://www.amazon.com/shop/devoswoodcraft
10% off Laguna parts and accessories.
Blades (ReSaw King!), abrasives, cnc parts, replacement parts, power feeder, etc).
Sign up, create an account and use DEVO10 for 10% off-
An amazing book by Bob Taylor! A must read for makers!
Guitar Lessons: A Life’s Journey Turning Passion into Business
Awesome CA glue! StarBond
Use: DEVO15 at check out for 15% off
Maverick Abrasives sand paper. Good stuff at a great price.
Use: DEVO10 at check out for 10% off
Sandpaper abrasive cleaner stick https://amzn.to/3mmQZSu
My favorite tape. Best thing ever- https://amzn.to/3Xw5HYr
Bandsaw feather board https://amzn.to/3sVdoHo
Bandsaw feather board t track anchor bar https://amzn.to/3eaQec4
Bandsaw feather board extension https://amzn.to/3qjtRn9
3m hearing protection with tunes https://amzn.to/3uSR0Af
Diablo table saw blade 40t https://amzn.to/3yet4sS
Diablo table saw blade 24t https://amzn.to/33TJTvj
DeWalt folding work table https://amzn.to/3hMLxH7
Helical head, Shelix from Bird tool. OEM
Combo belt – disc sander https://amzn.to/38HFnlo
Sandpaper cleaning stick https://amzn.to/3yILClo
Festool RO 150 sander https://amzn.to/2WO8DBB
Festool MFT clamp table https://amzn.to/39hHrlN
Sandpaper storage https://amzn.to/3iLCEgX
Drum Sander
My planer https://amzn.to/3pNnZ6H
Table saw https://amzn.to/391pisf
Pony bar clamps https://amzn.to/31MDpND
Zero clearance insert https://amzn.to/35Q9ib1
Dust collection https://amzn.to/2UQ61SA
Super cheap and awesome air filtration https://amzn.to/3flP3oP
Skill saw https://amzn.to/2WUuS97
Skill saw kit https://amzn.to/34TrGil
Dewalt drill and impact kit https://amzn.to/3pyvWMi
Router https://amzn.to/3mYoEj3
Dewalt chop saw https://amzn.to/3mWRwrK
Tool/Vac auto switch https://amzn.to/2KIYsfd
Jet benchtop lathe https://amzn.to/37TrotC
Lathe chisel set https://amzn.to/2ODVzOx
ingersoll rand air compressor 60gl https://amzn.to/3mVHvLy
8″ VS bench grinder https://amzn.to/3pz9SAO
Bar clamps https://amzn.to/3if7ldc
Howards Butcher block oil https://amzn.to/35Q9OFZ
Mineral oil https://amzn.to/2Mb9I4u
Food safe glue https://amzn.to/2Lu659j
Please do not attempt to do anything you see in these videos unless you are 100% comfortable in using these tools.
I am a professional and have been using these tools and more for 30 + years.
Some techniques I do are not recommended. You are 100% reliable for your own safety and comfort level of using these types of tools. .
I’m glad you found a living in it, but this is one of those trend "ideas" that 1 million guys are doing in their garage right now, I know 3 personally.
There’s this category of trending "ooo you could make a business out of that" ideas – cutting boards, pressure washing, landscaping, live edge and resin furniture, etc.
I respect what you’ve done, I can see your success before me two eyes. But if someone were to come up to me right now talking about cutting boards, I’d tell them to have getting lost in the crowd.
What bit do you use for the juice grove.
OMG. Really enjoyed the video!
Gorgeous boards, and you listen to The Dead South too, what a legend! 👍
Yup… bring back woodshops and metalshops.
Kris, Love your work. How do I get one of your boards.
Kris you are an amazing family man and a BEAST in the wood shop!!! 💪🏼👊🏼 Much Respect to you sir!!!
Don’t let the demand for your product overwhelm you and steal your joy in what you do. Make them as you can. Your work is worth waiting for. 💪🇺🇸
Looks like a good life you have made for your family.
Cute kid.
if all possible, where can i find full length hard wood. I keep buying those kind you get like 10 or 15 to a box either 12 or 16 inches ling. you look like you have a bunch of 2 x 2s or something. Mean while watched the fulll video and enjoyed it.
Beautiful boards
i was stationed in fort wainwright 68-69 beautiful country!
Amazing to say the least amigo, the work that you do is nothing but first class. Greetings form Mexico City.
Hope you continue to to do well with your small business. Great watching you work. Paul from the uk 🇬🇧
Amazing work very detailed video cheers
I am not sure how I missed you man on the internet. Seeing this video and you today brought a lot of inspiration and tears. Amazing effort, brilliant hard work, exceptional skill and out of the world excellence.
And yeah, your daughter is the key to all of this. Kids change lives.
I’ve never had one but if I did, I’d choose you to be my Pops! Genius woodcrafter, prestigious welder, gold miner, mechanic?! Man you’re fucking awesome and inspirational! So…. You wanna be my dad?…😅
Very interesting and inspiring all best in 2025!
You’re a legend bro whjat a treatr to watch your videos
Great work!!
Love it!! Born and raised in Seldovia, Alaska!! Love the video and your boards. Looking to make some in my middle school wood shop class with students.
Can you please explain or show what kind of dust collector do you have? I have similar size workshop and I am just buying one. Thanks
Qual óleo que vc usa após o término da peça
You are truly talented, beautiful boards. I enjoyed watching the video, but my favorite part was the moose. 😂 They are so beautiful. I hope to make it to Alaska one day.
Have you tried tiger or leopard wood? If not, you might take a look. Being exotics, they are gorgeous, maybe something for a family piece.
I had no idea just how much work goes into a cutting board. I knew it was there was a lot of gluing. Watching this video made me appreciate every homemade cutting board 100 times more. Thank you.
Good luck to you and your beautiful family.
This is some wholesome piece of youtube
With that amount of orders, you need a bigger shop! Your use of space is impressive, but having to move tools around takes up a lot of time.
Wow I love your cutting boards. Question: What type of wood is the black wood in the cutting board.
You are an incredibly dedicated woodworker, and a like able person. So impressed!
You do have a talent !!!
She’s obviously mentally ill
🙂 While ya love the money… when you go from hobby to business, it gets nutz!!! I love the woodworking part (Hobby) I’d really just rather stay hobbyist. Make a few things I like, sell’em on FaceBook. I like moving from woodwork, to woodturning, to leather work, to laser work. Then I want to get to the lake and fish for the monster bass. Lotz of request, but just want to stay hobby. You’re doin great!!!
amazing work🥳🥳🥳
DUDE! You inspire me to clean and organize my shop! For you to be that efficient in a small shop is so cool!
The boards you make are very nice! I even like your playlist!
Your work is magnificent.
Great vid. Thanks so much
Красивые вещи
All Your work is excellent and beautiful. The craftsmanship is remarkable. What kind of wood do you use? It looks like teak, white oak, walnut, purple heart, but not sure. looks like you could use not only a bigger shop but another body to help in the making of those items. In the voice of Christopher Walken, "we need more clamps"
Sou marceneiro aqui no Brasil,desde já um feliz ano novo para vc e família abraço obrigado
Can I buy your scrapes?
This is amazing!!! You’re an amazing person for sure! Can’t wait to see how far this journey takes you.
Despite your small shop size I see you have a dealt table saw is this a 10′ or the smaller 8′ saw as I am following the same track as you are and am outfitting my shop with tools and need a new saw. Most of the advice says get a 10′ saw but I am trying to keep the cost down till I am having money coming in rather than how it is now going only out. So should I splurge for the 10′ as I will probably got one eventually or save a little now ????
Also is a band saw worth its weight or a bit of a luxury tool when getting started…Id rather not do things by half…I have a jointer and soon a planer…thanks in advance
Awesome Cutting Boards!! Amazing use of many tools you have in small space as it’s very organized. Very impressed with the end grain scrap cutting board and cups you made. Nice job, very informative and great video. Very inspiring. Thanks
very extensive! Congratulations!
Would you recommend that drum sander ?
Your attitude, humbleness, and effort you put in building a quality product is amazing. I watched this entire video and it inspired me to do more of what i love.
Your boards are beautiful, but I’m most impressed by your workspace management. You have tools, equipment, and materials in a small garage that most people would not be able to tolerate. And my goodness but you put out a huge volume of wonderful quality product in that small space. Kudos on coping!!!