Is the 10-pound Purple Pillow worth $100?
Is the 10-pound Purple Pillow worth $100?
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Is the 10-pound Purple Pillow worth $100?
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Its a sexy pillow 😂
Have this exact one best thing I’ve ever bought tbh bring it with me wherever I’m sleeping so worth it
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bro it’s 200 now
I had it with the purple 3 and got rid of both of them!!!!!
Oh I reviewed this one
Dirty minded on💀💀💀💀
a need
I purchased the purple pillow and pretended that it was worth the price for a year before I gave up. My family called it my brick pillow. Its not breathable because its made of silicone and it weighs a ton. My toddler used it as weight lifting… This pillow isnt great as a pillow, but now days I get my use out of it as a butt pillow in my office chair. Not worth the cost in my opinion and I am DEFINITELY glad that I got the pillow before I wasted my money on a terrible bed make the same way.
Terrible pillow had one made a lot of noise when moving around and felt like my head just fell through it
Use a pillow case Einstein
Is it dangerous? Yes, if you like me are really allergic to latex.
I’ve had my purple pillow for 7 years now and it is the best pillow I have ever slept on. Although it’s not versatile like bringing it places like other pillows it’s a very good pillow to sleep on
It’s also covered in micro plastic dust
Anyone else just wanna eat it?
You had me at FLESH
*unzips pants*
More than $100 now. Double the money
Did anybody start coughing after using the Purple pillow? That is happening to me. I am afraid the material is toxic. Anyone?
I bought a Purple Seat Cushion and had to send it back, it ruined my back in 8 hours and took 3 days to get back to feeling better.
I have that pillow and it’s the best pillow I’ve ever had and I’ve tried many, many different pillows.
Can you put dirt under it for the dirt man?
I have a ghost pillow and it’s the best I’ve ever used.
I bought it a few years ago and have been using it every night. It is absolutely worth $100. I also bought stock in the company. That is how I felt about the product.
that would get my hair all tangled up and rip it out a lot tho
It would pull my hair so bad
I used one in a purple store and it was extremely comfortable. The price was INSANE! Its $250 which is robbery. Just ordered a used one off ebay for $75 😅
Def not $99 lol
I’ll stick with my $5 Walmart pillows but thank you though
Thank you so much, Dr. Hyman!
I just ordered mine on sale for $199! ON SALE! Regular price now is $249 (7/2024) I already own 3 of their Harmony pillows and I’m addicted! For me, the Harmony pillow has something calming about it when I use one as a hug pillow. The best pillows I’ve ever had. It’s very overpriced, but hey, if we’re willing to pay it, so be it. But remember, most cheap pillow brands don’t let you try them for 100 days. Ps: yes, I have one of their mattresses too, also excellent. Ps2: This is not an advertisement.
Tf is this diddy pillow review
I personally like the foam chunk pit style pillows. You can shape them like a traditional pillow, but they are relatively heavy and dense. They’re also cheap.
Nah hollow purple
Asmr content lets go
I didn’t know it was such a good pillow! My grandma just dropped by and gave it to me, and I loved it! Didn’t know that thou 😅
Dont tell me its fleshy had to order it after you said that
Made with the extras from the sex toy shop 😝
My papa has 2 for about £30
Oh the intrusive thoughts are stellar today boys!
My favourite pillow I’ve ever owned
I like it fleshy
That’s WAAAY too thin unless you’re a child. I need a pillow that is slightly thicker than the measurement between my neck to my shoulder. And only if it doesn’t collapse down below the measurements. Stack two of those and who knows. My guy and I have been using the My Pillow for around 5 years now and it works just as awesome as the first day we got it! It has never broken down the pieces in it like every other pillow you can buy. It’s a little pricey, but considering you don’t have to replace it every time the other kind breaks down and goes flat, it’s absolutely a great price!
These are made as cheaper wayerproof roho cushion alternatives for those who have to sit for long times to prevent pressure injuries. 😅 so for wheelchair peeps to shower
I’m good with the tried and trued Goose Down
Is there no case or anything around it?