HOW WE MAKE MONEY $$ FROM SAWDUST: a byproduct of the mill
HOW WE MAKE MONEY $$ FROM SAWDUST: a byproduct of the mill
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If you are interested in having a custom knife made,you can contact Lee Ross
It is so refreshing to hear a young person who speaks so precisely and so eloquently!
A perfect vocabulary and intonation while speaking. No speech fading or pauses.
Dump it in California to soak up human waste
Where are y’all located?
I do have a question for you. Have you ever thought on making fire bricks from the side us just the question?
Do you also ship sidas to locations that the customers would like to purchase from you? Another question?
Make wood pellets out of this.
Any suggestions on where I could find dry sawdust that doesn’t have any chemicals or glue in it ?
When shoveling off the ground or pavement, I prefer a plastic grain scoop instead of the aluminum ones. The aluminum ones are almost like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard, plastic ones not so much.
They make pellet presses for like a grand. They press and bag it. Woods pellet stoves.
mix with paraffin, a waste product from the oil fields, and press into molds for fireplace logs…….who knows, might be a market?
Excellent future, transformation and evolution
How tall are you, girl?…lol
Yes! Make pellets for stoves! Just make sure to keep soft wood separated from the hard wood. I use sawdust for kitty litter
I have a lot of wood west if you need more can I have your email
I clicked onto this because she looked interesting! I didn’t hear a word she said sorry!
As one who even uses this pellet stove pellets. Made from this saw dust. I did want to share a Youtube video on this suggestion for what to do with the saw dust.
Ive totally gotten a chemical burn from walnut dust getting underneath my watch. I haven’t experienced that from other woods, but I also look up every species I work with to find out what to expect.
4:33 I’m probably not the first to suggest it. However when you’re looking at getting electricity, a solar system with battery storage would be a great option. That way you can run a couple horsepower dust extraction pump and shoot that sawdust straight into a hopper wher it can pile up until it’s dealt with.
2 years ago they’re probably all dead now but the sawdust and the slabs can be used to produce wood gas to run your generator. — you said you don’t have power so it’s going to be a generator so why not run it on wood gas all you need is a double burner and a pipe to the gen motor.
By-product is going to be charcoal and Free power.
Talk less do more practice
1:46 – Her leg gets slashed at work.
"You should git yourself to a hospital gal."
"I don’t think so, I’ve got work to do."
Never saw such a beautiful mesmerising Miller.
what the knife that you are packing?
Buy a pelletizer and make wood pellets. Big $$
can’t you get a pellet making machine to use the sawdust up?
instead of yabbering on youtube about how you get rid of sawdust, perhaps you should watch the you tubers who are hydrallically compressing into burn logs
Machine shops back in the day would take my dust for sopping up oil. What about making Presto Logs??
Pipe it I to a semi trailer energy companies can get good chips they pay. Storage is a problem keeping weather out
Turn it into a pressed log like a pellet
Just thinking outloud.
One word ( gasification)
As a fuel source
Don’t stress Bbz I’ll make sure we are on top of our mill kiss 😘 ❤
Have you ever seen the eco logs, these are compressed sawdust, there’s a couple of ways to do this, a Archimedes screw where sawdust is fed in one end and the vanes becomes increasingly tighter together towards the other end, where they are coming out like a solid mass, they burn really well, the other way is to look ad up at bean compress in a tube under lots of pressure, you can also make eco kitty litter that looks like burning pellets. The planks that are a majority of tree bark that you can chip into much for weed control In landscaping,
These are just a few of my ideas, keep the great work up guys, all the best wishes Phil from the UK
Sell it as mushroom beds fo those who grow mushrooms.
add to concrete to improving the blocks
snow blower, will move it, power shovel if had power.
Mix with pva and press into insulation boards mybe
Eco-friendly building bricks, RDF-5, Fermentation, lignin, and so on
I bag mine up and place it by the road with an honesty box and it sells for just $2.00 a bag.I dont charge much as they are doing me a favour taking it. The money goes to feeding wildlife or dog rescue shelters. The main buyer is a young girl who rescues horses its a win for everyone.
Consider making pressed firelogs, as that seems to be a product a lot of yards produce now. Firewood can be expensive, but compressed sawdust firelogs are a less costly alternative for those that just want something for the fireplace, but don’t need the snap crackle and pop of solid firewood.
Consider sourcing some poly paks/sacks and sell the saw dust to RV’ers with compost toilets.
Love your videos. I use the sawdust from my woodworking for my gardens, oil spills, to mix with glue as wood putty.
I, too, would hate seeing you with a beard filled with sawdust. Or with even a clean beard.
Comments complaining about shoveling sawdust? Lol😂. Sawdust so light that big shovel full weighs less than a regular shovel half full of dirt.😂
Branded firestarters either in sticks or cans with your logo would sell , especially with camping fire wood vendors. Wood wick candles too
How did the sawdust not start smoldering with such a hotty touching it? 😏
Sorry, I have a form of pun tourettes.
Weird stuff that there’s nobody willing to take your byproducts and refine them further. Here they’re turned – depending on species – to pulp, distillates, boards and pellets or chips for power plants. Pretty much nothing has no further use. Maybe you’re far away from industries or too small for that but still find it a bit weird. That’s valuable stuff right there.
best legs in the lumber industry.
Use half of a large pipe and a metal bucket scraper on a good rake handle to push it to the end of the pipe, if you keep the far end of the pipe open and put equipment bucket up to it you can push/pull the sawdust straight into the bucket. We all know any way to save your back is worth it. I started with a 2×12 standing up on its side and a garden hoe but a smooth pipe makes it a lot easier.
Hi there, mayby put the discharge snout ina small agg or super sack and drag out with your kabota.
My dad worked with cherry and ash to make seats and yokes for canoes. Our garden paths were all sawdust and wood shavings which was not good for many crops but I have never seen better raspberries anywhere else. Hardwood sawdust grows loads of really good raspberries, maybe a berry farm near you wants to buy some loads of hardwood sawdust for fertilizer and mulch?
Make some "bags" with shade netting and place the mill shoot in the bag, this will suppress the dust, lightweight to drag around and empty and sort off maintain housekeeping around the mill, Thank you for the great video
Pecan wood saw dust is poisonous to chickens.
lol sorry I can’t resist, just an idea you can use or not, no worries: Concrete mixing sawdust sleds, possibly linked.