Turning a 2×4 into 24 beautiful coasters
Turning a 2×4 into 24 beautiful coasters
This is a very in depth video of how I took a 2×4 from the hardware store no one wanted, and turned it into 24 beautiful coasters. They’ve been sanded to 2000 grit, and polished to a glass like finish.
Great job
God thank you for your mercy on fools who do STUPID things on TABLE SAWS….NO riving knife, no push blocks, on his knees…GOD’s mercy is REAL…I just show all of this youtube videos of people using power tools to PROVE God is GOOD.
why did you sand 1.5β
to .5β. why not use 4/4 boards
Hey don’t worry about all these young woke commentators that never leave their mommy’s basement.
Seriously, don’t hold the wood that close to the blade on the left side, your fingers should NEVER be that close to a saw blade – if you can’t push it through your table saw with the push stick in the center between the blade and the fence, you’re using the wrong piece of equipment or should not proceed with the operation you are attempting. And get rid of that strap on your hip, all it takes is for a machine to grab a piece of clothing (especially something like a lanyard, leash, strap, etc.) and it WILL PULL YOU INTO THE MACHINE usually creating a catastrophic injury!!! Also use pushsticks that have replaceable tips, those usually don’t shatter into sharp shards if the blade hits them, a GrabberPRO Push Block is also a good accessory to have for your table saw or router.
Why not just use 1×4’s
2×4’s are usually really damp wood and if you cut it thin, especially to sell eventually its going to warp bad, etc., not the best choice for something you’re thinking of selling.
That clamp horse is an australian invention from my area. Ive meet the guy who invented it and he is filthy rich but he is sooooooo laid back and nice. Not a show off. Jeans tshirt and a smile type guy.
Thought you like to know that story?
Damn, never been so scared on someone elseβs behalf than this. Your lucky to still have 10 finger man π
Thnx for the vid. Anything that stops wood from going to trash is great. Pallets would be a great source for people starting out to sell and buy more tools π
Aren’t coasters supposed to be absorbent?
I can’t believe you still have 10 fingers
these are beautiful, with very little investment. but wouldnt a hot cup of coffee melt the wax you put on them?
Again… Great work π
I just use 4x4s and cut them 3/4th inch each then u dont need to worry about splitting it in half
Your first mistake is trying to re-saw such small pieces. You should have ripped the board in half, first, with it at its full length. This gives YOU much more leverage and more to hang onto. I do that ALL the time, and have NEVER had a kick back in 30 years of running a table saw. There have been some "scares" but that keeps you paying attention.
For the resawing, I would do it in multiple passes. I never take more than 1/2" at a time.
GREAT JOB!!!! ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»
I used poly and the surface sticks with a hot coffee. Also the surface has completely boiled up when left in sun
I dislike watching 2 ads before video
Do you Use Shelack on coasters?
you got your blade to high you gonna lose a finger
Watching this video gives me major anxiety.
Make a cross cut sled man…
Safety last?
So you wasted all that wood because you didn’t know how to resaw. You take smaller passes with a much longer board. They turned out nice but it was entirely possible to get alot more out of your piece of wood
Nice job with the project and video. Use the riving knife in the table saw when re-sawing, and a Gripper or push stick, that was a nice pad save.
Kickback when resawing the 2×4 (no riving knife) followed by crosscutting against the fence (no riving knife). Be glad you still have all your body parts.
Did I see you using the fence when you cross cut on your table saw at 2:08?
I did this using 4×4βs and after staining them and putting polyurethane most of my pieces warped even though I made sure they were on a flat surface with a vice or something heavy on top. How do I avoid this?
I set my coasters in some chicken wire fencing. Prop a corner of the coasters in the hole of the chicken wire. Minimal marks this way
I cringed and my toes curled up when that piece of wood flew off the table saw. I recently had a kick back on my saw which dented my arm. My body was out of the way and I got my hands out of the way as the piece took air.
I used to make coffee coasters using pallet wood. It was perfectly dry and ready to use. Just needed some planing to clean them up.
My step dad lost 3 fingers doing that! You gotta take a smaller bite and work ur way up. Ur trying to take way to much at a time
Been thinking about coasters a long time and the main problem still persists…..the coaster is flat and finished (non absorbent). as a result when you put your icy drink on the coaster the surface tension of the condensation under the vessel will cause the vessel to adhere to the coaster surface , thus when you next lift your drink the coaster sticks to the bottom of your drink and stays there or comes crashing down to the table it was resting on. I’m ready to make some trial coasters of wood. square flat finished pieces except I will cut a shallow kerf…1/16", into the top surface in a hatch pattern. so there will not be enough surface tension to stick the glass to the coaster. Might need wider kerfs or more kerfs but I think I will find the solution.l
I love it when people have that βperfectβ piece of scrap wood lying about lol
Check that your table saw blade is actually parallel to your fence. A measuring tape should be sufficient. Also verify that your blade isn’t bent.
These can contribute to kickback and make your saw dangerous to use.
For the finish, you can use paper grocery bags to buff the poly, and then use your choose of wax. The wet sanding is overkill and because it’s waxed over, no one will ever notice or truly appreciate the effort that went into that part, as the wax will fill in low spots and even everything out anyway.
Great looking coasters though!
would you consider putting grooves in the coaster to catch condensation? if so, how would you do that?
Nice video. I am thinking though that the wax will wear off in time and the product will not be the same as when it was purchased and customer would not have expected on going maintenance.
Maybe get laser etcher? Get some sweet SQN crest going.