Did you know that I launched my whole career from doing budget DIYs like this? A little bit of creativity goes a long way! Drop a “❤️” below if this project brought a smile to your face! ☺️ 👉🏼 Follow me @girlandtheword for more makeovers & DIYs! #trending #christmasdiy #diys #diy #diyprojects #diycrafts #christmasdecor #christmasmakeover #holidaydecor #homedecor #homestyling #interiordesign #easydiy #homediy #makeovers #organization #artsandcrafts
Was all this from Dollar Tree? The houses, that darling sleigh and reindeer and the street lights? This is wonderful! I love it.
What a wonderful, unique centerpiece! One doesn’t even need a long table…unfortunately, mine’s covered with craft stuff! Next year! ❤️🎄❤️
What store was that
Where did you get these village buildings
I love it
Where did you get the houses though?
Where did you get those houses?!
Where? Dollar tree? Village houses and the reindeer ?
Cute and great ideas
Adorable 💞💙💙❤️
Μένω Ελλάδα πώς μπορώ να βρω τα φώτα του δρόμου και τα σπίτια
On a budget? Count how many houses you bought along with street lights, and the other items. 😂
Oh goodness, my cats would have a blast with this! 😂
Are the houses from Target?
De donde las farolas??🤩🤩
Las luces de la calle, las hicistes tu?
Not exactly DIY though
Is this from target?
Where did you get the street light?
Lovely ideea ❤❤❤
Awesome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I don’t know, it still looks like you spent a pretty penny at least $35
5$ from where???
Que lindo 😢
Why do you even make such reels to inspire people… and not name the source.
Where did you buy it Walmart or Sam’s club or Dollar store or Castco?????
Where did u get the houses?
That’s so cute!
where did you find the street lights? 🙂
Where did you get the mini houses?
Super 😊❤❤❤
😮❤😮❤😮❤😮❤ esa es una idea muy linda, gracias por compartirla, muy bonita tu villita navideña
I want this!! WHERE???? And the street lights???
Wow thats so cute…those 5$ houses were a good deal, but where at?
Love this idea, where did you get them ❤. My mom had a set from long ago, I miss traditions.
Wow! Amazing 🤩😍😍😍❤
Caramba 3 casitas 5 dolares
Aqui en España 5 euros solo una
They’re from Target, the Bullseye Village collection. But Target may be sold out. There’s some sets available on E-Bay.
It said serving tray for 5 dollars 🤓
Que hermoso centro de mesa 😻 ❤yo las tube que hacer de carton por que aqui en san Diego no e mirado esas .donde podre conseguirlas ??
Where did you get street lights? Thank you
Why bother to do DIY content and then not supply the material sources? Either in the content or a link? If you want your channel to grow, do better.!!
Las luces de la calle, las hicistes tu?
De donde las farolas??🤩🤩
Love it❤❤❤❤